Thursday, September 4, 2008

The month of ramadan is the month wherein the Qur'an was sent down;a guidance to mankind,and clear evidences of the guidance and the criterion.This is the month in which Allah has prescribed for us fasting as a general islamic ritual so as to indicate the unity among all the muslims.This is a kind of unity that is not limited to any time or place,or weakened by distances or geographical boundaries ,be they natural or political .In addition,this unity is not obstructed by any race,color or language.This is due to the fact that islam does not pay any attention to such matters.In support of this,Allah ,the Ever-Exalted,says:

[O you mankid,surely we created you of a male and a female,and we have made you races and tribes that you may get mutually acquanted.Surely the most honorable among you in the providence of Allah are the most pious;surely Allah is ever-knowing,ever-cognizant.]
[al-hujurat[the apartments]13]
Moreover,Allah 's messenger [may the blessings and of an arab over a foreigner neither for a white man over a black one except with piety .you were born from adam and adam was created from earth.

This unity is based on a pillar symbolizedk in the creed believed by all the muslis.For example,whoever among them witnesses the month of ramadan is obligated to fast it.In this regard,fasting the month of ramadan brings Allah's mercy,satisfaction,generosity and kindness towards His satisfaction.by doing so ,the muslims are worthy of Allah's care and mercy.

Some scientists have drawn a similarity between fasting and the protective serum that protects the body against serious diseases and viruses.That serum is injected into the body of the muslims during a whole month of every year,so that the fasting person is armed with a strong will able to resist all desires,including the sexual one.If this is the case with the ones who observe fasting for only one month in the year,what will the case be with the one who observes fasting for two or three days of every week throughout the whole year?!add to this that one does not aim behind observing fast except winning Allah's satisfaction and drawing near to Him.Lastly,TAHAJUD DONT FORGET......OK SEE AAA